In Spain

Robot serves contact-free beer

 News        05/24/2020

The delicate time of the world corona crisis raises difficult questions for caterers, who after a two-month break can open their cafes, pubs and restaurants, but with strict anti-epidemiological measures, primarily adhering to social distance. One Spanish innkeeper solved it in an original way - so that the beer is poured by a robot.

He may be too quiet and his movements are mechanical, but he will pour you a mug without the slightest danger of infection - meet Beer Cart, a robotic bartender who pours beer in Seville, the world media write these days.

The robotic bartender made his debut when the southern Spanish city was able to start enjoying freedom again after Spain allowed half of the country to open catering facilities after a two-month work ban.

The giant robotic arm is located in the middle of the bar in the La Gitana Loca bar owned by Albert Martinez, and the boss procured it before the epidemic, counting on sales growth, as the robot can seamlessly pour 600 beers per hour. When the epidemic broke out, the robot at the right time, because it serves beer completely contactless, ie the customer does not have to be afraid that the waiter will infect her. And vice versa.


beer   robot   Spain   COVID-19  
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