Mobile Beer Station

Hopefully, This Is Not Our Future

 News        03/01/2021

How bars and inns will work in the event of a long-term pandemic is a question that many are looking for an answer to. One of the solutions is called a mobile beer station or BeerMatic Dual Tap, as the invention was called by the manufacturer Hoshizaki. In short - we don't like it.

The situation - we all know that - is not good. There is no light at the end of the tunnel yet, everyone is cautious in their predictions, and the only one who talks about the specific date of the full opening of the national economy is the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but he predicts it for the end of June.

While pubs and restaurants are closed in most countries, Hoshizaki, which otherwise produces catering equipment, has unveiled a concept appliance that could become at least the future in the pandemic era. It is a mobile beer station, a beer vending machine, which is equipped with a module for receiving banknotes. Thanks to this, the machine can be placed anywhere, requires no maintenance or supervision, and allows you to buy a beer without having to enter an closed space and push around the bar. it seems like a good solution for the spring and summer season.

The vending machine is called BeerMatic Dual Tap, and it can hold a beer keg and a bottle of CO2, it also contains a vending machine for glasses and a payment terminal, which, among other things, supports contactless card payment in the Apple Pay standard. The vending machine pours a liter of beer in 15 seconds.

All of this, of course, sounds good in the prevailing conditions. But hopefully this is just a necessary evil and it won’t become the future of serving beer.


pandemic   beer   beer station   Hoshizaki   BeerMatic Dual Tap   vending machine  
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