Samuel Adams gives those vaccinated against COVID-19 a way to celebrate.
As of Monday, the Boston-based company will send $ 7 for beer to the first 10,000 people to post a photo of a vaccine sticker or bandage on Instagram or Twitter, Samuel Adams said in a statement. The company has warned those who enter not to share their vaccinations data or publish their personal information.
Those planning to fight for beer money should tag #ShotForSam and tag @SamuelAdamsBeer and ask the company for a direct message to see if they have been selected.
Winners will receive $ 7 via the Cash App to purchase drinks at a bar or restaurant. If you don’t have an app, the company will walk you through the setup process.
The cmpaign runs until May 12 or until 10,000 eligible applications are received.
Sam Adams announced the campaign with a video featuring Your Cousin From Boston, who became the main character of the company’s ads.
Even Your Cousin From Boston got vaccinated! Cause hey, we all wanna get back together at the bars we love.
— Samuel Adams Beer (@SamuelAdamsBeer) April 7, 2021
Starting April 12th, post your vaccine sticker or bandage w/ #ShotForSam & get $7 for a beer on us at your favorite local bar or restaurant.